Arthritis in Polish: Our New Learning Module
Czy mówisz po polsku?
Now radiologists and rheumatologists in our neighboring country Poland can get a head start on X-ray diagnosis of rheumatic diseases of the hands and feet in their native language. How did it come about?
Dr. Dennis Bielecki, a radiologist currently working at King’s College in London, approached us looking for opportunities to collaborate. As he has extensive knowledge in the field of conventional radiography and completed his studies in Poland — as a US-American — it was obvious to ask him to translate selected cases.

Polish flag

Dennis K. Bielecki, MD
For a while now, our approach has been to offer training on special topics in radiology and rheumatology not only in English and German — our two primary languages — but also in many other languages. For this very purpose, we have developed the EasyCaseTranslator to help our collaborators translate the content. This not only includes case histories and case summaries, but also the annotations in the radiological images and the multiple-choice questions that are translated.
The first 5 cases are now translated into Polish and available for free in our apps for iOS, Mac and Android. Check it out right now! In the Shop section, scroll down to find the Polish module. On the iPhone, you can even filter by language — you’ll recognize the red and white Polish flag if you’re at home there!

Download BerlinCaseViewer and get the Polish learning module!
You just want to see what the app has in store before you download for more? Try out this featured case in your web browser right now.
We are now ready for more translations. Get in touch with us about which module you’d like us to tackle next!