The year 2023 in preview: What’s in store for the BerlinCaseViewer?
A year just lies behind us, and the new one is already keeping us busy. Today, we look back on 2023 and at future plans for the BerlinCaseViewer app: What content can you look forward to? What features and formats are we currently working on? Where can you meet the BerlinCaseViewer team in real life? And last but not least, what has happened in the past year?
A quick annual review
With the learning app RA Tutor (only available in 🇩🇪), the BerlinCaseViewer app has gotten a “little sister”. In late summer, we presented the new addition at the 50th German Rheumatology Congress 2022 in Berlin. This year, we will continue to work on rheumatoid arthritis content to keep the RA Tutor app growing step by step in 2023. Just as there are regularly new modules for the BerlinCaseViewer, new chapters are constantly being added to the RA Tutor as well.
The technical framework that supports the BerlinCaseViewer and makes interactive learning possible on various end devices, from smartphones to iMacs, can also be used flexibly for other applications. The Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology at the Technical University of Munich has therefore decided to use the BerlinCaseViewer as an innovative teaching platform for the training of medical students and residents. For this purpose, a server was set up directly in the clinic on which our software runs. Lecturers at the TU Munich can now upload X-ray, CT, ultrasound and MRI examinations to their own server with just a few clicks and make them quickly available to students via our web app.
Our shop offers more ways of presenting radiological learning content in a fun and vivid manner for those who are interested. Our learning mug, for example, contains food for thought in two ways: on the one hand you can enjoy your coffee with it and on the other hand the course of axial spondyloarthritis with bone changes in the sacroiliac joints (sacroiliitis) can be easily understood and presented using four illustrations.

The department of Radiology at the Technical University of Munich uses the BerlinCaseViewer.
New learning content: modules we have planned
In the near future, the BerlinCaseViewer app awaits you with exciting new learning units. In cooperation with the radiologist Wolfgang Fischer, there will be a training module for the knee joint, with emphasis on the meniscus. You may already be familiar with the doctor from Augsburg as the publisher and author behind the textbooks “MRI Essentials” and “MR Atlas”. In recent years, Wolfgang Fischer has published several books and an app on MSK radiology. His main focus is on orthopedic issues. For the BerlinCaseViewer he has developed a module on the subject of meniscus lesions, which will soon be available in our app shop.

Coming soon: MRI training with radiologist Wolfgang Fischer
Another overview module has been added to the previous introductory modules (e.g. on arthritis): The planned course deals with chest X-rays and gives anyone interested a simple introduction to radiology. We selected a total of 58 cases, divided into three modules, and annotated them with colored overlays. The case collection is aimed at beginners who want to improve their understanding of radiological examinations of the chest and lungs — also a great fit for medical students.
There has long been a close collaboration between Berlin and Rio de Janeiro, between our team in Germany and experienced radiologists like Aline Serfaty in Brazil. In our app shop, you can already find a comprehensive collection of cases from the field of musculoskeletal radiology, which Aline Serfaty has prepared for the BerlinCaseViewer and made available in both English and Portuguese.
This year, further learning content with a specific focus on Latin America will be added. The Brazilian radiologists will introduce us to diseases that are rare in Germany but more common in tropical and subtropical countries, including actinomycetoma, leprosy, tuberculosis and cysticercosis. In addition, there are diseases in connection with the Brazilian lifestyle, where, for example, football in particular and sport in general play an important part. Think for instance of cases with torn tendons in the pelvis and injuries to the knee.

More features and formats to come
We are working on continuously improving the BerlinCaseViewer — in terms of content and technology. That’s why you can look forward to more features in 2023. In the future, videos will complement the in-app presentation of our cases. You get advice from experts, and you can see how they would have solved the respective case — directly in the app.
In order to be able to offer even more learning content in the near future, we are opening up the BerlinCaseViewer for other professionals who would like to take part. Currently, we are working on a platform that will make it easier to upload and annotate cases.
Going forward, the effort we are putting into this should benefit even more people. Therefore, in addition to the individual module purchase, there will soon also be a subscription model that is of particular interest to university hospitals and other educational institutions in the healthcare sector.
Kind of similar to lecture hall learning, we are preparing a comprehensive curriculum for studying rheumatological imaging virtually — including video lectures and a collection of cases. For this purpose, the rheumatologists Denis Poddubnyy, Jochen Sieper and Gerd Burmester as well as the radiologist Kay G. Hermann are recording lectures and preparing cases of rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, spondyloarthritis, crystal arthropathies plus arthrosis.
BerlinCaseViewer on-site event: Rheuma Day in Berlin
For everyone who, in addition to learning with the app, would also like to meet our team of experts in real life, the next opportunity will be on March 24th (event in 🇩🇪). Together with the German Society for Musculoskeletal Radiology (DGMSR) we are looking forward to the first “Rheuma Day”. The event, which is all about imaging of peripheral and axial skeletal arthritis, takes place in Berlin with some home advantage. Unsurprisingly, we will also bring our training iPads with the BerlinCaseViewer technology and exciting cases with us. The registration form has already been activated and can be found at The regular participation fee is €150.00 and €130.00 for members of the DGMSR.