Annual review: BerlinCaseViewer’s looking back on 2021
The year 2021 is drawing to a close, and we at BerlinCaseViewer are taking the opportunity to look back on the past twelve months. What successes have we been able to celebrate with our specialist radiology modules? What has happened in our team? And what can you expect from the BCV in terms of radiological training in 2022? Find out more in our annual review 2021.
BerlinCaseViewer is runner-up at 2021 EuroMinnies Awards
We are getting off to a good start: In February we found out that our free module on COVID-19 pneumonia was at first on the shortlist in the “Best New Radiology Software” category and eventually made it into the final of the 2021 EuroMinnies Awards. We celebrated 2nd place, just behind the Advanced Visualization Workspace – IntelliSpace Portal 12 from Philips Healthcare, with our experts Yuranga Weerakkody and Fabio Macori. And you know what? The BerlinCaseViewer is already in the semi-finals of EuroMinnies 2022.

New platforms for BerlinCaseViewer app
What else was there to celebrate? Just last year, the BerlinCaseViewer expanded from iPad to iPhone. Since then, you can study our free Case of the Month modules and the purchasable modules on diseases such as axial spondyloarthritis or key topics such as ankle and foot whenever and wherever you want. Provided you have an Apple device, that is – at least until recently.
BCV app now available for Android
Finally, our radiological training and learning app is also available for Android users to download free of charge from the Google Play Store. As a new addition to our team, the guys from CodeCoy have really worked hard, so that the Android version now includes all the features that make learning with the BCV so exciting:
- Extensive peer-reviewed case collection from experts
- Clinical data providing patient background information
- Multiple-choice questions guiding you to the correct diagnosis
- Offline function once you downloaded cases to save data volume
- Free Case of the Month modules
- Annotations and colored overlays

By the way, for everyone using a Huawei phone, the development team is already working on a fully functional APK version that will be released in the course of the coming year.
Get into more detail on large screens: BCV app for Mac and MacBook
Whoever wants to study annotated MRI scans, CT images and X-ray pictures in even greater detail, the version for Mac or MacBook is exactly what you are looking for. When you already have an iPhone, you can easily bring already purchased modules onto the large screen.

Download the app for Mac and make sure that you are signed in with the same Apple ID usually used. Then open the app on your MacBook or Mac, switch to the SHOP view and update your case collection by clicking on the circular arrow at the top right. In this way, all modules that you have already downloaded will also appear on the new device.
BCV makes learning radiology great fun again
With the BerlinCaseViewer on your smartphone, that’s probably not the only app you are using for advanced training – and entertainment. We are talking about social media of course, where short tutorials are a trend among others.
In keeping with the motto “Make learning radiology great fun again”, we not only share blog posts and ordinary learning content on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube, but also fun reels and half in earnest, half in jest radiology videos.

In keeping with the motto “Make learning radiology great fun again”, we not only share blog posts and ordinary learning content on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube, but also fun reels and half in earnest, half in jest radiology videos.
Most recently, the radiologist Kay G. Hermann took you to his radiology-lab-turned-Christmas-bakery. Using cookies, in the Christmas lecture, he shows how you can detect axial spondyloarthritis in imaging. Now, that’s just scrumptious! If you feel the same way, for just a small fee, you can get the Christmas module in our app shop to save the information and the recipe to bake your own radiology cookies.
No baking, yet just a little dough is needed to support this rad fun via PayPal. Just click here, on the vertebra or scan the QR code.
Specialist knowledge from international experts
Did you know that our modules are always as scientifically sound as possible? We have a number of experts in the BerlinCaseViewer team for this purpose. Two shareholders of BerlinFlame GmbH, which is behind the BCV app, are once again among the “Highly Cited Researchers” this year.
The rheumatologist Joachim Sieper owes this title primarily to his frequently cited work on spondyloarthritis (SpA). Gerd-Rüdiger Burmester, director of the Medical Clinic with a focus on rheumatology and clinical immunology at the Charité, is one of the highly cited top scientists because of his research on new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in inflammatory rheumatic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and systemic autoimmune diseases.
Beyond the German-speaking area, English helps us as a lingua franca to discuss scans across national borders in an effort to close knowledge gaps and enabling groundbreaking research. In this way, we were able to make a number of new contacts around the globe this year, for example with Aline Serfaty in Brazil, Irish Eshed in Israel and Roar Peddersen in Norway.
Of course, we’re looking forward to hearing from you, too. Would you like to present your cases with the BerlinCaseViewer, integrate our app on your website with the API interface, or give us feedback on our interactive case collection? Then use the form below, contact us directly via email or WhatsApp and connect with us on social media to stay up to date.